That’s right, we are headed home for the holidays, and we could not be more excited!
With all the moving, traveling, adjusting, and working, we are ready to sit back, relax and simply spend time with those that we love.
And what better way to end one year and start another than two weeks with family and friends?
We’ll travel to New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC. We’re even leaving time to visit Longwood Gardens, where we got engaged! It’s our tradition to revisit every year to remember the night that changed our lives. It’ll be chaotic and I am sure stressful at times, but we couldn’t be more excited.
So much has happened since we left home just 5 months ago. Every trip has changed us in some way. And every month abroad has changed us too. To think just 5 months ago we arrived with 4 suitcases. Now we have a life here.
We have an apartment. We’ve traveled throughout 4 different countries, learned another language. We’ve grown both as a couple and as individuals and most important of all, we’ve had the time of our lives!
We can’t help but wonder if anything else has changed. Aside from all the incredible news of pregnancies, marriages and engagements, of course. But the special part about home is nothing will ever change, and it’s the most wonderful thing.
The love between families and friends is constant and forever and it’s a love that can never be broken, no matter how far away you live. We’ve traveled to amazing places, but right now, we’re over the moon excited…to go home!
Luckily, we’re just getting started on this grand adventure of ours. Even just a week after the holidays, we’re headed to France and Switzerland. Where will we be in 5 months from now? A year from now? How much will change before our next trip home?
We have no idea. And it’s a complete thrill!