Start Here
So here we are. Newly married and in love. With promising careers in our country’s most powerful city. We had everything we thought we’d want in life. But what happens when you stop, reflect on your current path, and decide you want more? To feel free, experience new cultures, discover the unknown, take risks. And what happens when both you and your partner in crime feel the same way? You buy 2 one way tickets towards your future and you GO!
Welcome to Surviving Europe!
Our way of saying that you CAN just pick up and leave. Sure, it takes a lot of work and focus, BUT it is possible. This site focuses on taking a break from the 9 to 5 routine to see the world around you. To stop wishing the weeks away, slow things down and enjoy all that the life has to offer.
Chances are, you know of someone that is already making travel their priority, whether they travel for a few months at a time or they actually picked up and moved abroad. And most likely, when you asked that person or others for advice, they responded with, “Just do it!”. This statement does hold true, but if you are anything like us, that method just doesn’t fly. We consider ourselves to be “just do it” kind of people, but we also know ‘just doing it’ is more effective when it’s done responsibly.
Here you will find real-life information to help guide you through a move (or trip) abroad. From planning to take-off, to living abroad, and all the adventures in between. Our goal is to learn from our experiences and teach readers how to take this huge leap, but in the most comfortable way possible.
After all,
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Our Journey
Exiting Your Comfort Zone
Following Through