FO·MO (/ˈfōmō/) noun – aka #FOMO – anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website. –
In a world where social media runs the show, we are constantly reminded of what we are not doing. What we are missing out on. So much so, that it becomes hard to remember and appreciate the things that you actually are.
Well, I’ve got news for you. As soon as you make the decision to pick up and travel the world, you will always be missing out on something — literally ALL THE TIME. And right now is the perfect time to try and get past that. Forgetting the FOMO and living for yourself and your own experiences is a requirement before you go any further in this process. If you don’t, you will not be able to truly enjoy yourself.
For me personally, this was a tough issue to get over. We are both at an age of engagements, weddings and babies, and everyone still lives fairly close to one another. It is incredibly difficult to get over the fact that you might have to miss a wedding or two, babies could be born while you are away, and nights out with friends will continue without you there. As years go by, more and more will change. I am not going to lie; it will break your heart at times. But with every life-changing adventure, you will grow more and more appreciative of the decision you made. The other good news is, your family and your true and closest friends will always be there for you. Anyone that loves you and believes in you will understand – some will even visit so they can be a part of your journey! And most importantly, whenever you decide to go back to your roots or settle down again, you will be welcomed with open arms. Just like you never even left!
How to combat the FOMO:
Since FOMO is hard to shake, start practicing now during preparations. You need to save money anyways, and time is money too, so don’t forget that! Your sole priority is to do everything humanly possible to achieve YOUR dream. Unfortunately, that means being occasionally selfish, even when you are still home and have the choice. Trust me – this is coming from the least selfish person EVER, so I know it’s hard! Maybe you opt out of your weekly happy hour, or send a nice note and gift to a friend whose wedding you have to miss. Think big picture right now and soon enough, when you see the most special relationships are still just as strong, your future on the road will become a lot easier.
You will, of course, experience many internal battles along the way. What helps me get through these internal battles is thinking about EVERYTHING I am about to accomplish in the next few years. The places I’ll see and the people that I’ll meet. They will create the greatest and most unforgettable moments of my entire life. Instead of sitting behind a screen observing the adventures of others, I will be out living them!! If that doesn’t keep you motivated, I don’t know what will! And when you look back, I PROMISE that you will not regret the sacrifices you had to make in order to experience what you thought only dreams were made of.
After all, “you are the only one who creates your reality.” Don’t let the fear of missing out guide you. Take charge of your own life and look towards the beautiful future ahead!